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Written by André Choquette

Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under

Available since JD Edwards EnterpriseOne (JDE) version, Orchestrator Studio has evolved much since its beginnings. Yet today we have a mature and resourceful tool just waiting to be harnessed.

In this step-by-step article, we will show an integration example using Orchestrator. By the end, you will benefit from basic notions for a fully functional integration. The simplest and most learner-friendly method for this tool is, in my opinion, the baby steps. Baby steps both in terms of project importance and project execution. We will build the integration brick by brick while making sure each level is completed before going to the next. It may seem lengthy at first, but in the context of a large-scale orchestration project, it is a rather short method.

For our first integration, we will start by quarantining items received from credit notes. In general, we want to inspect and control goods returned by our customers prior to putting them back in inventory.


Create a new integration that will change the status of a lot number received via the P4205 program for a merchandise return (credit). The orchestration will be initiated after the return transaction and will be linked to the application through the Form Extension feature. The integration will check if the item or lot received is in the RE.TUR.N location, and if the lot status is set at “Q.” If not, the integration will change the lot’s status to “Q” (Quarantine). This method enables easy addition of features to JDE forms without modification to the original code of the application.

Concepts introduced:

  • Process Recorder
  • Form Request
  • Orchestration
  • Rules
  • Data Request

Process Description:

  1. Carry out the reception (Credit) in P4205.
  2. Click on the "OK" button to initiate the orchestration. Pass the item number and lot number onto the orchestration.
  3. The orchestration starts and checks if the item and lot numbers are in the RE.TUR.N. location. If so, call on the Form Request feature to update the lot status.

Before you begin, make sure your administrator has granted you all the rights to use Orchestrator.

To begin, let’s create an orchestration using Data Request. We will then record the change of status using application P4108. Finally, we will bring together all the pieces of our integration.

Creating the Orchestration

Click on the Orchestration tile and click on the New button.

1-New_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under the name of the orchestration, a short description and a product code. We typically leave “55 – Reserved for Clients” and save.

2-reserved for clients_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under are now ready to add and create our Data Request. There are two ways to add a component to our orchestration, and that depends on whether or not we are in Design Mode. On the figure on the left, we are not in Design Mode. Double-click on the blue where you want the component to go. On the figure on the right, we are in Design Mode. Simply click on the “+” button.

3-design mode_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under can select the Data Request component and click on New.

4-data request_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under the Data Request window, provide a request name, a description and a product code.

5-data request_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under we must enter the file/view name on which the request will be made. In this case, we will use V41021Q. We could also use the F41021 file, but the view only contains the necessary data. In order to display the file or view, click on the Load button.

6-view name_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under now, we create the request. First, we will populate the fields that will act as filters for the request—more or less the equivalent of “where” in an SQL request. We add fields to the filter by clicking on 7-icon_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under in the list of fields on the left, then we add the item, cost center, lot, lot status, and location. Note that for the lot status, you need to enter a space character. You can change the name of the variables according to your needs.

Note that when the “Match All” radio button is ticked, it means all filter conditions must be met for the request to return values (similar to an “AND” request). When the “Match Any” radio button is ticked, it means that when at least one condition is met, the record is selected (similar to an “OR” request).

8-match all_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under order for the request to return values, they should be added by clicking on 9-icon_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under this case, we want to receive the lot status and location.

Save the request after it is completed. Our integration should look like this:

10-integration_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under next step consists in assigning parameter values received by the orchestration to our Data Request. But prior to that, we will add parameters to our orchestration. Since our orchestration receives the parameters required for our Data Request, we will use the request to generate the parameters of the orchestration. Let’s call the Transformations area by clicking on 11-icon_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under and then on the “Add Inputs to Orchestration” button. Finally, we can perform an automatic mapping by clicking on the “Auto Map” button.

12-auto map_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under the request.

We will now test our Data Request.

13-Data request_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under need to enter values for your orchestration parameters. Check in your environment using the P41202 program. Note that the item number in the integration corresponds to the Short Item Number; it should be a numeric value.

14-short item number_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under that you received the corresponding lot status (F41021_LOTS). With this first part of the integration done and tested, we can move on to the second part: changing the lot status to Quarantine—that is if we found our item, cost center, lot number and location.

The first step is to record a transaction that consists in changing the status of a lot. To do so, we should log into JDE and call on application P4108. Once in the P4108 application, we will start the recording by clicking on “Record a Process.”

15-record a process_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under begin, simply click on the “Start” button and proceed with the transaction. In order to simplify the configuration of the Form Request, improve yourself with practice and take notes of the steps required to complete the transaction. You can also make changes in the configuration area of the Form Request. But the configuration will be simpler if the recording is performed without extra steps.

16-process recorder_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under the transaction: enter the lot number, item, branch/plant, and click on the magnifier icon.

17-location lot status_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under the line and click on “Location Lot Status.

18-location lot status update_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under the lot status to the RE.TUR.N location by entering “Q” in the New Lot Status column, then click on 19-icon_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under to validate the change of status. Once that is done, you can stop the recording.

20-process recorder stop_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under the Form Request.

21-process recorder save_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under will now improve the Form Request to make sure we only process lot statuses from the RE.TUR.N location.

Click on Form Requests and open the request you just created. We will change the Item_Number field to the QBE field “Short Item Number.” We need to make this change since the only item number available in the Data Request is the Short Item Number.

22-short item number_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under, go to step 2: Location Lot Status Update by clicking on “2.”

23-location lot status update_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under will add a filter to select only the lines with a particular location assigned. We will assign a variable to the filter that can be passed on as a parameter. Check the filter icon and click on 24-icon_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under

25-location_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under


Add a variable that will be used by the “${Location}” location filter.



Save the Form Request.

26-form request_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under will now create the orchestration that will receive the data and update the lot status field if empty. Click on the Orchestration button and create a new one.

27-Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under



From the orchestration, we will add a rule to make sure we process only the lot statuses that do not return the “Q” value. Click on the “New” button and choose a standard rule.




We will create a general rule, meaning one that can be reused in several integrations. We will be testing if, when passed on, “Var1” equals “Var2.

28-var 1=var2-Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under the rule returns “False” (meaning the value of the lot status is not “Q”), we will add the CREA_FREQ_UpdateLotStatus Form Request to update the lot status to “Q.” All you will have to do is map the different elements of our orchestration. Do not forget to save your changes.

29_form request_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under the 30_icon_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under transformation tool in the Form Request component.

First, click on 31_icon_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under perform an automatic mapping.

32_transformation_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under will need to clear the “Select_Row” and “P4108_Version” parameters, and enter the default value “Q” in “New_Lot_Status.”

New call-to-action

Along the same lines, we need to remove superfluous parameters from the orchestration (i.e., Select_Row, P4108_Version, New_Lot_Status), and create a new parameter for “Lot Status.”
Make sure that the “Item_Number” parameter is set at “Numeric.” Note that the parameters might not display in the same order. Save.

33_inputs and values_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under the CREA_rule_CheckIfVar1EqualVal2 rule component, select the transformation tool and map “LotStatus to VAR1, and the default value “Q” to VAR2.

34_transformations_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under back to the main CREA_ORCH_ReturnQuarantaine orchestration, add the CREA_ORCH_UpdateLotStatus lot status update, and perform the mapping.

35_orchestration_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under you open the Orchestration component, the result should be:

36_orchestration component_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under last step prior to the end-to-end testing of our orchestration is to map the CREA_ORCH_UpdateLotStatus orchestration.

37_transformations_Creating the Orchestrator_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under the Orchestration

Find an item from the RE.TUR.N location whose status is not set at “Q.” If needed, you can clear the status using P4108.

38_return location_Testing the Orchestration_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under

Exectue the orchestration.

39_execute orchestration_Testing the Orchestration_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under

40_run orchestrations_Testing the Orchestration_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under


Enter your parameters. Make sure “NoItem” is a numeric value.



41_Testing the Orchestration_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under all goes well, the lot status should display the “Q” value after the orchestration.

Link the orchestration to the P4205 | W4205K form by clicking on “OK”

Use the P4205 program; you can run a credit search. Here, the document type is “CO.”

42_document type co_Link the orchestration to the p4205 w4205k form by clicking on ok_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under can access the confirmation function by opening the Row menu and selecting Confirm Line.

43_confirm line_Link the orchestration to the p4205 w4205k form by clicking on ok_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under are now ready to create a Form Extension and link our orchestration to the “OK” button.

44_form extension_Link the orchestration to the p4205 w4205k form by clicking on ok_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under we click on “Associate Orchestrations.”

45_associate orchestrations_Link the orchestration to the p4205 w4205k form by clicking on ok_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under step: associate the orchestration with an event. To do so, click on 46_icon_Link the orchestration to the p4205 w4205k form by clicking on ok_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under and select the event that will trigger the orchestration. In this case, we will choose the Button Clicked event, meaning the orchestration will take place after the logic of the “OK” button.

47_shipment confirmation_Link the orchestration to the p4205 w4205k form by clicking on ok_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under step: select the orchestration to associate. You can enter part of the orchestration’s name to facilitate the search. This becomes relevant if you are juggling with many orchestrations.

48_associate orchestrations_Link the orchestration to the p4205 w4205k form by clicking on ok_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under step: associate the grid’s columns with the parameters of our orchestration. Note that the item number we want to associate is “JDE Numeric Item Number.” Click on the window of the field to be mapped, and then on the grid’s column.

49_define inputs_Link the orchestration to the p4205 w4205k form by clicking on ok_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under and last step: indicate whether the orchestration should be called before or after the logic of the event selected.

50_execution_Link the orchestration to the p4205 w4205k form by clicking on ok_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Under to complete the orchestration’s association. If everything went well, the following window should display:

51_select event_Link the orchestration to the p4205 w4205k form by clicking on ok_Orchestrator Tutorial by Example and New Features Underà! We now have an orchestration ready to be called upon.

Here is a new way to add great functionalities to your installation via native JDE components, without changing the code. Orchestrator Studio helps in the considerable reduction of customization requirements. By automating tasks, you consolidate business processes while making sure business rules are followed. Do not hesitate to contact one of our experts for more information!

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