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Women's History Month: Testimonials from our Employees

In March, we celebrate women, their victories, achievements and needs in order to improve their daily lives. For this occasion, we took great pleasure to interview 5 of our female employees. Let's discover their stories!

Marjorie Philippon, Manager, Logistics Division and S/4 Conversion

I grew up and studied in France, at TEMA, which stands for Technology and Management section of NEOMA Business School. After touching on digital marketing, I quickly moved to roles revolving around logistics and SAP. At that time in France, 80/20 is the ratio that comes to my mind when I visualize the male/female ratio. After many years as an SAP consultant, I seized the opportunity offered by my firm at the time, to continue the adventure in Québec.


Despite all my accomplishments, I realized over time that I didn’t find myself morally in the professional environment in which I was evolving. It was Dominic Lépine (now Vice President, Market Development) who inspired me to join Talan. It was then that I was able to make my mark as an SAP consultant, a senior consultant and now as the manager of a team of about 30 people.

Today, what drives me is to continue to work with passion, to be close to people and to stay connected with our clients, but most of all, to bring my team to the top. I want to make a difference - to achieve this, my goal is to create value in what I do - and if I can do this by giving a chance to the competent women I meet on my way, that would be the icing on the cake!

Melis Kulbay, Business Consultant

After graduating from Concordia University with a major in finance, I quickly started a first experience in the banking sector with a renowned institution in Canada. It was an experience that opened the door to a possible evolution and, of course, job stability, but something pushed me to open my horizons after visiting the annual Les Affaires trade show in 2017 that sparked my interest to know more about the world of ERP.


However, my choice to join Talan was made in part thanks to my networking with Chantal Grégoire, CFO, during volunteer activities. It was a choice that, 5 years later, has proven to be the right one. Here, I appreciate the place that the Human takes in each of my days. Whether it’s the teams or the management, I feel in a positive, flexible, and pressure-free environment that allows me to evolve serenely. Thanks to the confidence of my peers, I have been able to learn, specialize and grow in the last few years.

If I had one advice to the Melis of the past, I would tell her to not be afraid to consider new opportunities, even if it means a possible instability. My academic career has often led me to be surrounded by men, but this is not a hindrance to my goals. The visibility of women in the Talan team is a real and visible example to illustrate that!

Angélique Girard, Team Lead Logistics

I grew up and studied in France, at ENSAIT (École Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries textiles), where I remember being one of the few women among all students... Without really thinking about it, being part of a minority in the school context probably played on my self-confidence, at least in my early years of work.


10 years ago, driven by the idea of a fresh start in a city as multicultural as Montreal, I followed my partner on this adventure and never looked back... I had the opportunity to evolve within a Québec manufacturing company first as a buyer and ultimately as a business analyst. My desire to learn more about ERP consulting led me to look and think beyond my zone of confidence.

So, throughout my recruitment process, I had the choice between two opportunities: I chose Talan whose vision appealed to me. My goal was to have new responsibilities and above all, to evolve in a non-conflictual environment. Here, women are equal to men and professional and personal balance is a value that is truly respected. I can truly see myself growing at Talan and developing my skills as a manager.

Nisrine Aoun, Technical Consultant, Microsoft Business Central and LS Central

I started my career in Lebanon after graduating from St. Joseph University in Beirut. Obtaining my certifications allowed me to quickly specialize as a Microsoft Software Developer.


Lebanon and then Saudi Arabia offered me many career opportunities but to a certain extent: I knew that I would have to cross new borders to find myself professionally and personally.

Canada opened the door to my true potential and here, being a woman is not a barrier to get a promotion. I appreciate the freedom, the openness towards all religions, the tolerance towards the veil and the humanity values. So, in addition to making my father proud, I was able to get closer to some of my family members who live here.

I already knew about Talan through my network before I started working there. At Talan I believe in equality between women and men, and I think it is possible to have a good balance with family life. 

Rosine Fenjiep, Manager, Microsoft F&O

As for me, I joined Talan in March 2020. As an industrial engineer by training, I have specialized in ERP for the past 20 years.


Originally from Cameroon, I chose Quebec over 20 years ago. Here, as a woman, an immigrant and from an ethnic minority, I felt that I could really take my place. My integration went very well, in part because of the obvious willingness to highlight competent women.

My studies and my career path allow me to perfect my skills and go further. I am happy to see that professional balance is a respected value which allows me to advance in my career while raising my family.

Every day, the colleagues I work with make me proud! The importance of women on Talan’s Management Committee definitely influenced my desire to join the team.

Thank you, Marjorie, Melis, Angélique, Nisrine and Rosine for your testimonial.
We wish you continued success in achieving your goals. We are privileged to have you on our team.

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